Wednesday, October 14, 2009

14/10/09 (Workout)

AMRAP, 20 min, 6-4-2, Squat, Push-Up, Inverted Row

(Rx push-ups, 5th hole & medium brown)

11:00 - Setup, 3x
:06 - Go

Rounds: 16

14/10/09 (Warmup)

10:10 - 5 min Row (1213m, 8)
:16 - 5 x Stripper squats
:24 - 20, 40, 60 stripper bounce
:29 - 10, 15, 20 box jumps; 10, 16, 22 step-up high knee raise (medium brown)
:45 - 10, 15, 20 bent row into shoulder press into good morning (12.5)

Monday, October 12, 2009

12/10/09 (Workout)

5 x 5 Back squat

(Previous @ 29/09 - 50, 55, 60, 62.5, 65)

08:00 - 50 (good vel., feels OK, left a little unstable)
:06 - 55 (need to watch even-ness, right was deeper than left on this)
:13 - 60 (feels good, good vel, watch depth)
:20 - 65 (notice this addition, upright posture suffered the most)
:30 - 67.5 (OK, but watch depth, upright)

12/10/09 (Warmup)

07:10 - 5 x Stripper squats
:15 - 20, 40, 60 Stripper bounce
:20 - 5, 10, 15 incline sit, seated twist, cycle kicks {2kg twists, [y sit, 2y twist, 4y cycle]}
:28 - 8, 16, 24 walking lunge
:34 - 10, 15, 20 shoulder press [10kg] alt. Good morning [10kg]
:45 - 5 x Wall squat alt. OHS [13.5]

Friday, October 9, 2009

09/10/09 (Workout)

AMRAP, 20min, 6-4-2, Squats, Push-ups, Pull-ups

(Rx push-ups, yellow and red pull-ups)


09/10/09 (Warmup)

09:25 - 5 min Row (1158m, 8)
:30 - 10 x Stripper squats; 20, 30, 40 stripper bounce
:45 - 3 x ab circuit: (10, 20, 30), (15, 30, 40), (20, 40, 50) of incline sit, med-ball twist, bicycle kick {2kg med ball, failed at 8 for 20 of incline sit}
10:00 - 10, 15, 20 Bench press (20) and Lat pull-down (22.5)

Thursday, October 8, 2009

08/10/09 (Workout)

AMRAP, 6-4-2, Front Squat, Shoulder Press, SDLHP